OCP Society Honors Dr. Christine Chaillot, the World Renowned Pan-Orthodox Activist, with Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE Award

OCP Society Honors Dr. Christine Chaillot, the World Renowned Pan-Orthodox Activist, with Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE Award

OCP News Service – 16/09/2023

Malankara – India: On the ninth anniversary of the OCP Society’s presentation of the Defender of Orthodoxy Award to Dr. Christine Chaillot, the OCP Society once again honored her with the Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE Award on September 16, 2023, in Kottayam.

The award ceremony was presided over by the Chief Commissioner of the OCP Foundation, Linto Paul Jacob, and attended by OCP Secretary and Spokesperson, Donn George Varghese, as well as the Director of the Department of Public Relations and Information Services, Abel Mathews Alex.

During the event, various important topics were discussed, including the need to rejuvenate Pan-Orthodoxy dialogues, challenges within the Orthodox World, and the significance of Pan-Orthodox unity. Dr. Christine Chaillot expressed her gratitude to the OCP Society for its support to her mission and for being a part of it.

Dr. Christine Chaillot was initially honored with the inaugural Defender of Orthodoxy Award in Kottayam on September 16, 2014.

Dr. Christine Chaillot is widely recognized as a prominent figure in the Pan-Orthodox community, possessing extensive experience in Pan-Orthodox dialogues for unity. She has previously served as the secretary of the association ‘Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches.’ Her expertise in Oriental Orthodox Churches, along with her extensive research and publications, has contributed significantly to a deeper understanding of Oriental Orthodox spirituality and theology worldwide. Dr. Christine’s tireless efforts have played a crucial role in promoting global Orthodox conciliar unity.

OCP News Service

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