Albanian Orthodox Church Denounces Same-Sex Marriage in Tirana

Albanian Orthodox Church Denounces Same-Sex Marriage in Tirana

OCP News Service – 23/05/2024

Tirana – Albania: Following a same-sex marriage ceremony in Tirana on May 19th, the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania has reiterated its strong opposition to such unions. The Church maintains the position it expressed in January 2024, emphasizing that marriage is inherently a union between two sexes and the foundation of procreation.

Albanian Orthodox Church Denounces Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage

In a statement, the Church asserts that no historical culture, religion, or legal system has recognized same-sex cohabitation as marriage. It argues that legal decrees cannot alter the “unnatural” nature of such unions and that they contradict the divine order of creation.

Furthermore, the Church views the legalization of same-sex marriage not as social progress, but as a detrimental deviation from the natural order. It emphasizes its obligation to uphold the traditional understanding of marriage and family, as outlined in its sacred texts and centuries-old traditions, reaffirmed by the Holy and Great Synod of Crete in 2016.

This statement reflects the ongoing tension between religious doctrines and evolving social norms regarding marriage and family. It is likely to resonate with conservative segments of Albanian society while potentially sparking further debate on the issue.

OCP News Service

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