Serbian Patriarch Denied Entry to Kosovo, Vows to Continue Supporting Serbs

Serbian Patriarch Denied Entry to Kosovo, Vows to Continue Supporting Serbs – OCP News Service – 14/05/2024

Belgrade-Serbia: In a move sparking outrage in Serbia, Kosovar authorities denied entry to Serbian Patriarch Porfirije and seven other high-ranking clergy on May 13th. The delegation was scheduled to attend the annual Holy Assembly of Bishops at the Peć Monastery, a revered Serbian Orthodox Church site located in Kosovo.

The Serbian Orthodox Church condemned the decision as a violation of human rights and religious freedom. Patriarch Porfirije expressed disappointment, stating it is “unreasonable and unacceptable” to bar him from visiting the historic seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church. He also acknowledged the action reflects the ongoing challenges faced by Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija.

Despite the setback, Patriarch Porfirije emphasized his commitment to the Serbian community in Kosovo. He declared, “I will not abandon my people… and will do everything possible to meet with them and pray together with them as soon as possible.”

This incident highlights the simmering tensions between Serbia and Kosovo, particularly regarding religious freedom and the rights of minority groups. Patriarch Porfirije’s call to action urges the international community to address the alleged human rights violations against Serbs in Kosovo. It remains to be seen how this situation will unfold and whether international pressure will influence Kosovo’s stance.


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