No Matter What Decisions are Made Regarding Our Church, We Will Continue to Love God and our Land: Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine on Draft Law No. 8371

No Matter What Decisions are Made Regarding Our Church, We Will Continue to Love God and our Land: Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine on Draft Law No. 8371

Information and Education Department of UOC – OCP News Service – 22/08/2023

Kyiv – Ukraine: In his Sunday sermon on 22 October 2023, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy commented on the latest decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which passed the first reading of the bill 8371, as it is called, “on the banning of the UOC”, reports the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

“What can be said about this? I will say one thing – we are not offended by anyone,” said the Primate.

At the same time, His Beatitude emphasized that “the center of management of our Ukrainian Orthodox Church is in Ukraine, in this holy city of Kyiv. Everyone is looking for a spiritual center from where we are controlled, it also exists, but it is in Heaven. There is the Founder and Head of our Church – our Lord Jesus Christ.”

The Patriarch also added: “No matter what they do to us, no matter what decisions they make, we will still love everyone equally. We will love God, we will love our land, our people, our government, our army. We will love all people and pray for them. Because our Church is the Church of love. It was founded by God, who is Love Himself.”


OCP News Service

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