Metropolitan Tikhon of Orthodox Church in America Strengthens Ties with Romanian Orthodox Church

Metropolitan Tikhon of Orthodox Church in America Strengthens Ties with Romanian Orthodox Church


OCP News Service – 08/06/2024

Bucharest-Romania: A recent visit by a delegation from the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) has fostered closer relations between the OCA and the Romanian Orthodox Church.

Strengthening Bonds

Led by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, the OCA delegation visited Romania from June 4th to June 7th, 2024. Their itinerary included engagements at the historic Putna Monastery and an audience at the Patriarchal Palace.

Putna Monastery Visit

On June 4th, Metropolitan Tikhon was warmly welcomed at Putna Monastery, a revered site with over 500 years of history. He venerated the tomb of the monastery’s founder, St. Stephen the Great, and received a presentation on the monastery’s significance in preserving Romanian national identity.

The following day, Metropolitan Tikhon presided over a Divine Liturgy at the monastery’s cathedral. He expressed gratitude for the invitation and the opportunity to serve at this sacred place. He also spoke to the faithful about the importance of humility in the spiritual life.

Exchange at the Patriarchal Palace

On June 7th, the delegation met with His Grace Bishop Varlaam of Ploiești at the Patriarchal Palace. Bishop Varlaam provided an overview of the Romanian Orthodox Church’s activities, including their upcoming centennial celebration of attaining the rank of a patriarchate in 2025.

Discussions also focused on the Romanian Orthodox Church’s strong monastic tradition and theological scholarship. Metropolitan Tikhon commended the church’s pastoral and missionary efforts and acknowledged the reach of the Patriarchate’s Press Center among Orthodox faithful in North America.

A Lasting Impact

The visit concluded with a tour of the People’s Salvation Cathedral, the new cathedral of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The delegation described it as a monumental achievement for the Church and the wider Orthodox world.


OCP News Service

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