Hungary to Refrain From Sanctioning Patriarch Kirill, Religious Leaders

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OCP News Service – 10/5/22
Budapest-Hungary: Tristan Azbej, the state secretary for aiding persecuted Christian of the Hungarian Government stated that, his country will not sanction religious leaders. The statement was made in the light of European Unions plan to sanction Patriarch Kirill for his support for the Ukrainian invasion by the Russian forces. According to the statement Hungary consider counterproductive, nonsensical sanctions as harmful and that religious freedom is sacred and not to be dishonoured in any manner.
Earlier Eastern Christian leaders like Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II of the Syriac Orthodox Church, Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia, leaders of the Armenian Orthodox Church and Hungarian eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church appealed to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary against sanctioning Church leaders which will result in further chaos and confusion.
OCP News Service