Full Ethiopian Biblical Canon Published In Its Entirety For The First Time

Archdeacon Tesfa Michael Williams- Senior Editor (Ethiopian Affairs) – OCP News Service- 22/3/22
Addis Ababa-Ethiopia: On Saturday the 19th of March 2022, Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Television reported the publication of the eighty-one-book canon of Scripture in Gəʿəz. Although translations of the Scriptures into Gəʿəz have existed for centuries (according to the traditional narrative, from the biblical times themselves), this is the first time that the whole Bible has been published in the Church’s original and most authoritative language, according to the full EOTC canon.
The project was a collaborative effort, undertaken by scholars of the EOTC and the Bible Society of Ethiopia. His Beatitude and Holiness Abunä Matthias I, Patriarch of Ethiopia, Archbishop of Aksum and Ǝč̣č̣äge of the See of St Täklä Haymanot, expressed his deep gratitude to all involved and explained how important their work is for the Church’s liturgical and educational ministries. Reverend Liqä Həruyan Yəlma Getahun, the General Secretary of the Bible Society, explained how the publication of the Gəʿəz translation of the Bible was given priority among the 21 Ethiopian languages for which the Society is currently working to facilitate publications. He also added that the Norwegian Bible Society and the German Bible Society contributed $70,000 for printing costs.
OCP News Service