Bulgarian Orthodox Church Stands Firm Against ECHR Decision on Same-Sex Relationships

Bulgarian Orthodox Church Stands Firm Against ECHR Decision on Same-Sex Relationships

OCP News Service – 01/12/2023

Sofia – Bulgaria: In a historic move, the St. Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church – Bulgarian Patriarchate, gathered at its meeting on 22 November 2023, has issued a strong statement and adopted a full lineup, addressing the controversial Decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the case “Babulkova and Koilova v. Bulgaria.” The decision, dated 5 September 2023, found Bulgaria in violation of Article 8 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (CCHR) for not providing legal recognition and protection to same-sex relationships.

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church, emphasizing its commitment to the teachings of the Church of Christ and the national constitutional identity of Bulgaria, has declared its unwavering position on the concepts of “gender,” marriage, family, and child protection. The Church asserts that marriage and family, defined as a union blessed by God between a man and a woman, hold profound importance in Christianity, rooted in centuries-old values.

Key Points from the Synod’s Statement:

I. Request for Review:
The Synod insists that the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria urgently request a review of the ECHR Decision No. 40209/20 dated 5 September 2023, in order to safeguard Bulgaria’s authority as a sovereign state governed by the rule of law. The Synod argues that the case raises serious questions related to interpretation and application and poses a significant problem of a general nature.

II. Constitutional Identity:
The statement emphasizes that the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria has already addressed the question of the concept of “gender” in Decision No. 15/26.10.2021, asserting that the constitutional legislator did not deviate from the traditional, biological understanding of gender. The Synod firmly stands against any external pressure to redefine the traditional values enshrined in the Bulgarian Constitution.

III. ECHR Overreach:
The Bulgarian Orthodox Church contends that the ECHR exceeded its competence by imposing an obligation on Bulgaria to introduce specific legal regulations concerning same-sex relationships. It argues that matters related to family and marriage fall within the sovereign jurisdiction of individual states and should not be subject to supranational interference.

IV. God’s Laws Above All:
The Synod invokes divine laws, urging Christians not to be indifferent in the face of perceived injustice. It calls for a principled stand against the ECHR decision, stating that Christians cannot remain silent when faced with actions contrary to God’s teachings.

V. Diplomatic Efforts:
In a reminiscent move to the case of Lautsi and others against Italy, the Synod encourages diplomatic efforts by the Government of Bulgaria to engage with like-minded countries. The goal is to collectively object to what they perceive as an overreach by the ECHR in legislating and creating new legal norms without the consent of the States Parties.

Call to Action:
The Bulgarian Orthodox Church calls upon statesmen and leaders to fulfill their duty, urging a thorough review of the ECHR Decision dated 5 September 2023. The statement concludes with a powerful reminder that each individual will be held accountable to God and conscience for their actions.

This unprecedented stance by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church adds a new dimension to the ongoing debate surrounding same-sex relationships and the role of supranational bodies in shaping national policies. The implications of this religious intervention on diplomatic and legal fronts are yet to unfold.

OCP News Service

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