Archimandrite Nikodhim Consecrated as the Bishop of Boston and the Albanian Archdiocese of OCA

Archimandrite Nikodhim Consecrated as the Bishop of Boston and the Albanian Archdiocese of OCA


OCP News Service – 18/09/2023

Boston-USA: Archimandrite Nikodhim was enthroned as the Bishop of Boston and the Albanian Archdiocese of Orthodox Church in America by, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon and other hierarchs of the Holy Synod on September 16th, 2023 at Saint George Cathedral in Boston, MA. The Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America elected Archimandrite Nikodhim as Bishop-elect of Boston on April 25, 2023. 

Archimandrite Nikodhim is to Be Consecrated as Bishop-Elect of Boston and the Albanian Archdiocese on September 16, 2023


Following the Divine Liturgy, the hierarchs and clergy gathered at the ambo, where Metropolitan Tikhon extended a warm welcome to the assembled bishops and directed his remarks to the recently ordained bishop. On behalf of the Orthodox Church in America, Metropolitan Tikhon conveyed his heartfelt congratulations to Bishop Nikodhim and extended a warm welcome to him within the Holy Synod of Bishops. He emphasized to His Grace that he is not on this journey alone and must rely on the prayers of his fellow bishops and those who have paved the way before him. Lastly, His Beatitude encouraged Bishop Nikodhim to place his trust in the most holy Theotokos. Following this, Metropolitan Tikhon entrusted Bishop Nikodhim with the pastoral staff, after which Bishop Nikodhim ascended his episcopal throne and imparted his blessings upon the clergy and devoted congregants.



OCP News Service & OCA

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