Archbishop of Cyprus Clarifies Remarks on Orthodox Church in Montenegro

OCP News Service – 09/06/2024

Nicosia – Cyprus: Controversy surrounding the Orthodox Church in Montenegro has subsided after a clarifying statement from the Archbishop of Cyprus, George.

Earlier pronouncements by Archbishop George, following a meeting with Montenegrin President Jakov Milatović, caused tension. Media reports suggested the Archbishop advocated for the autocephaly of the Montenegrin Church (currently in the Serbian Orthodox Church’s jurisdiction).

Metropolitan Joanikije of Montenegro expressed strong disapproval, calling the reported statement “inappropriate” and stressing respect for the Serbian Orthodox Church’s authority.

Archbishop George Offers Clarification

Archbishop George swiftly issued a clarifying statement, acknowledging his remarks may have been misinterpreted. He emphasized that his discussions with President Milatović did not touch upon the autocephaly of the Montenegrin Church. He further clarified that he neither expects nor favors an independent Montenegrin Church.

The Archbishop reiterated his respect for the existing structure, stating, “For the Church of Cyprus, there is no question of the autocephaly of the Church of Montenegro, which is under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Serbia. This is not within our jurisdiction.”


OCP News Service

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