Abune Yohannes of Saint Frumentius Theological College in Mekele Enters Eternal Rest

ESG – OCP News Service – 28/02/2023
Addis Ababa- Ethiopia: His Grace Abune Yohannes who was the head of Saint Michael’s Cathedral and Saint Frumentius Theological College in Mekele (Tigray, Ethiopia) entered eternal rest on February 28, 2023.
His Grace was born on Miyazia 20, 1928 E.C (April 28, 1936) at Yeha Debre Hamelmal, Adwa from Aleka Hailu Welde Mariam and Mrs. Zenebech. His Grace was ordained a deacon in 1940E.C (1948) by His Grace Abune Markos of Eritrea and was tonsured a monk at Debre Abay Monastery in 1946 E.C (1954). Abune Yohannes was elevated to the priesthood by His Grace Abune Michael of Gonder in 1949 E.C (1957) and was made an Archimandrite in 1969 E.C (1977) by the hands of His Grace Abune Yohannes the Second of Tigray. His Grace was a renowned scholar of liturgics, an exegete of the Old and New Testaments, and a famed hymnist. Abune Yohannes was ordained a Bishop on Hamle 22, 1997 E.C (July 29, 2005) for Mekele Saint Michael’s Cathedral and as head of Saint Frumentius Selama Kesatae Brihan Theological College by His Holiness Abune Paulos.
OCP News Service, Anteneh Haile and EOTC Broadcasting Service