Young Moldavian Blessed to Study at Historic Athonite Academy

Young Moldavian Blessed to Study at Historic Athonite Academy

OCP News Service – 04/07/2024

Chişinău – Moldova: In an exciting development for the Orthodox Church in Moldova, a young man named Luca Brăduțeanu has been blessed to pursue his studies at the Athonite Academy on Mount Athos in Greece.

Luca’s spiritual father, Father Marin Cij, President of the Synodal Sector for Spiritual Activity in Medical Institutions, visited His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir on July 2,2024, to seek his blessing. Metropolitan Vladimir was reportedly “pleasantly surprised” by Luca’s choice and desire, marking him as the first person from Moldova to study at this historic institution.

Founded in 1749 near the Vatopedin Monastery, the Athonite Academy has a long and rich history. Currently located in Kareia, it holds the status of a Theological Seminary. The Academy played a significant role in the Greek struggle for independence from Ottoman rule during the 18th century.


OCP News Service

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