“Unprecedented Reward for Undermining the Unity of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania”: Albanian Synod Reacts to the Consecration of Bishop Theophan of Philomelion

“Unprecedented Reward for Undermining the Unity of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania”: Albanian Synod Reacts to the Consecration of Bishop Theophan of Philomelion

OCP News Service – 27/07/2022

Tirana – Albania: Church of Albania through its Synodal office reacted to the consecration of Bishop Theophan of Philomelion. The election of Fr. Theophan was reacted with ‘Surprise and wonder’ by the Church of Albania.

According to the official statement:

“Unprecedented reward for undermining the unity of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania. Unprecedented confirmation of his unfitness to lead the Orthodox flock. Theofanis Koyas, during the critical moment of his Episcopal ordination, the superior of the Archbishop of America Elpidophoros in Phanar on July 25, 2023, recited the Creed with the Filioque”.

It has to be noted that the Church of Albaina noted the use of filioque in the creed recited by Archimandrite Theophanis Koja.

OCP News Service

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