Uncanonicity Continues in Tigray; Holy EOTC Synod Calls for an Emergency Session

Uncanonicity Continues in Tigray; Holy EOTC Synod Calls for an Emergency Session

ESG – OCP News Service – 30/07/2023

Addis Ababa- Ethiopia: On Sunday, July 30, 2023, renegade archbishops in Tigray (Abune Isayas, Abune Mekarios, Abune Petros, and Abune Merhakirstos) illegitimately ordained three newer monks as bishops continuing in their politically motivated uncanonical proceeding to create a separate “See” which violates the Canons of the Nicaean Ecumenical Council (Canons 4 and 6).

Renegade Archbishops Uncanonically Ordained Six Bishops in Axum, Tigray

The uncanonical ordinations took place in the historical Church of St. Mary of Zion in Axum.

The three unorthodoxically appointed bishops are:

1. Abba Markos (formerly called Abba Zera Dawit  Brihane) for the Diocese of Minnesota and Its Surroundings

2. Abba Ephraim (formerly called Abba Yohannes Kebede) for the Diocese of Europe

3. Abba Kerlos (formerly called Abba Yemanebrihane Welde Samuel) for the Diocese of Dallas, Texas and Its Surroundings

The Secretariat of the Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church has called all archbishops of the Church to convene for an immediate session to be held on August 1, 2023, to deliberate on what had transpired on July 23 and 30.

– Tsion Media
– EOTC Broadcasting Service

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