Ukrainian Court Upholds Prison Sentence for Metropolitan Jonathan of Tulchyn and Bratslav

Ukrainian Court Upholds Prison Sentence for Metropolitan Jonathan of Tulchyn and Bratslav

Metropolitan Jonathan of Tulchyn and Bratslav

DECR and OCP News Service – 19/06/2024

Kyiv – Ukraine: In a decision drawing criticism from religious leaders, the Vinnitsa Court of Appeal has upheld a five-year prison sentence for Metropolitan Jonathan of Tulchin and Bratslav, a hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The 75-year-old Metropolitan, a renowned church composer, was convicted last year on charges rights groups have condemned as “absurd.” Prosecutors had initially sought a six-year sentence.

According to the Union of Orthodox Journalists, citing, the court disregarded evidence presented by the defense team demonstrating Metropolitan Jonathan’s innocence. The Metropolitan himself has maintained his innocence and challenged the initial verdict.

Metropolitan Jonathan remained under house arrest while his appeal was considered. In March 2024, it was reported that he had suffered a stroke and was undergoing treatment.

The full ruling will be announced on June 21st. The Metropolitan has the right to appeal to the Court of Cassation within three months.


OCP News Service

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