Ukrainian Church Denounces Romanian Orthodox Church’s Move to Establish Entity in Ukraine

Palace of the Patriarchate Palatul Patriarhiei. Pic – Wiki
Information and Education Department of UOC – OCP News Service – 09/03/2024
Kyiv – Ukraine: The Information and Education Department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church publishes its commentary in relation to the intention of the Romanian Orthodox Church to establish her entity on the territory of Ukraine.
The decision by the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church concerning the intention to establish her entity in the canonical territory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has been perceived by us with surprise and concern, as this decision contradicts the canonical organisation of church life, built upon a territorial rather than a national basis.
Having Romanian-speaking parishes within her bosom, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church values them, as their existence as part of our Church underlines the universal nature of the Church. We also do everything necessary so that Romanian-speaking believers may feel comfortable within the bosom of our Church, enjoying full freedom to worship in the Romanian language and preserve their national and spiritual traditions.
The relations between the Romanian and the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches have always been warm and constructive, so we want to hope that the decision taken by the Romanian side will be reconsidered and will not cast a shadow over the traditionally good relations between our Churches.
OCP News Service and UOC