Ten New Bishops Consecrated for the Coptic Orthodox Church

Pic – Gerges Mounir Hanna
Gerges Mounir Hanna – Editor of Coptic Affairs – OCP News Service – 6/6/22
Cairo-Egypt: Pope Tawadros II ordained ten new bishops, at the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ in the New Administrative Capital of Egypt on the 5th of June 2022. Ninety eight bishops, several priests and a large number of faithful, took part in the consecration ceremony. The bishops were ordained during the Divine Liturgy which comprised of the procession of the monks nominated for the episcopate, reading of the the episcopal pledge, and granting of the episcopal service clothes.
The names and details of the new Bishops are as follows:
Hegomen Monk Arsanios El-Bakhumi, Bishop and Head of the Monastery of St. Anba Pachomius in Edfu Hajar in Aswan, by the name Anba Arsany.
Hegomen Monk Dioscorus Al-Baramusi, Bishop and Head of the Monastery of St. Yohannes Al-Qusair on El Alamein Road, by the name Anba Dioscorus.
Hegomen Monk Isidoros Anba Bishoy, Bishop of the Diocese of Aswan, by the name Bishop Bishoy.
Hegomen Monk Yaqoub Al-Antony, Bishop of the Diocese of Bani Mazar and Bahnasa, by the name Bishop Anianos.
Hegomen Monk Philopateer Sinai, Bishop of the Diocese of Shebin El-Qanater, by the name Bishop Noufer.
Hegomen Monk Bisanti Bishop Bishoy as Bishop of the Diocese of Abnoub and Al-Fath by the name Bishop Bisanti.
Hegomen Monk Epiphanius Al-Muharraqi, General Bishop of the Diocese of El-Mahalla El-Kubra, by the name Bishop Ignatius.
Hegomen Monk Thomas Al-Thomasi, General Bishop to assist His Eminence Bishop Sawiris, Bishop of Derry, by the name Bishop Thomas.
Hegomen Monk Archilides Anthony, General Bishop at the headquarters of the ecclesiastical presidency in Toronto, Canada, by the name Bishop Archilides.
Hegomen Monk Gabriel Anba Paula, General Bishop at the headquarters of the ecclesiastical presidency in New Jersey, USA, in the name Bishop Gabriel.
The newly consecrated Bishops will be assigned to their respective monasteries, dioceses at the earliest.
OCP News Service