Serbian and Antiochian Patriarchs Affirm Unity Amidst Global Challenges

Serbian and Antiochian Patriarchs Affirm Unity Amidst Global Challenges

OCP News Service – 02/08/2024

Belgrade-Serbia: Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia and Patriarch John X of Antioch and All the East held a productive telephone conversation on July 26,2024, discussing the current state of the Orthodox Church and the pressing challenges facing the world.

The two spiritual leaders emphasized the importance of strengthening unity among Orthodox Churches, particularly in light of the escalating global conflicts. They called for increased dialogue and cooperation to address the complex issues facing their communities.

Both Patriarchs expressed deep concern over the ongoing war in Palestine, calling for an immediate end to the violence and bloodshed. They stressed the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and expressed solidarity with the suffering Palestinian people.

The conversation highlighted the enduring bond between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Antiochian Orthodox Church, as they reaffirmed their commitment to working together to promote peace, unity, and Christian values.


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