Renegade Archbishops Uncanonically Ordained Six Bishops in Axum, Tigray

Renegade Archbishops Uncanonically Ordained Six Bishops in Axum, Tigray

ESG – OCP News Service – 23/07/2023

Addis Ababa- Ethiopia: On Sunday, July 23, 2023, ethnically and politically motivated archbishops (namely Abune Isayas, Abune Mekarios, Abune Petros, and Abune Merhakirstos) who have separated themselves from the Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church have uncanonically and illegally appointed six monks as bishops in the Church of Saint Mary of Zion in Axum, Tigray. Holy Eskeem prayers were held on Saturday, July 22, 2023, in the same church as well.

The illegitimately ordained bishops are as follows.

1. Abba Libanos (formerly called Abba Mehari) for the Diocese of Southern Tigray, Maichew
2. Abba Nathaniel (formerly called Abba ZeSelassie) for the Diocese of Western Tigray, Humera
3. Abba Aregawi (formerly called Abba Estifanos) as Secretary of the See of Selama Tigray Patriarchate
4. Abba Yohannes (formerly called Abba Haile Michael) as Head of Holy Frumentius Abune Selama Theological College and Saint Michael’s Cathedral
5. Abba Embakom (formerly called Abba Elias) for the Diocese of South Eastern Tigray
6. Abba Athanasios (formerly called Abba Tsegegenet) for Saint George’s Church in Virginia, United States

In an interview during the election process that was held a week ago, one of the rogue archbishops, Abune Petros, stated that the next step for the archbishops in Tigray (adherents of ethnophyletism), and the new appointees was going to be discussions regarding the establishment of a “New Synod”.

Archbishops in Tigray Uncanonically Elected Ten Bishop Designates

This is the second time this year that ethnically and politically motivated renegade archbishops have ordained episcopi challenging the authority and sovereignty of the Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church that is led by His Holiness Abune Mathias who has tried reconciliation attempts with the archbishops in Tigray.

A Detailed Article on the Present Issues in Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

– Dimtsi Weyane
– Tigrai Television
– EOTC Broadcasting Service
– Tewahedo Media Center

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