Pope Tawadros II Welcomes Palestinian Delegation at Papal Headquarters in Cairo

Pope Tawadros II Welcomes Palestinian Delegation at Papal Headquarters in Cairo


OCP News Service – 30/05/2024

Cairo – Egypt: His Holiness Pope Tawadros II received a distinguished Palestinian delegation at the papal headquarters in Cairo today. The delegation included Mr. Hani Al-Hayek, the Palestinian Minister of Tourism, Dr. Farseen Shaheen, Minister of State for the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ambassador Diab Al-Louh, the Palestinian Ambassador to Cairo.

Welcoming the delegation, Pope Tawadros II expressed his joy at their visit to the Coptic Orthodox Church. “We are happy to have you visit the Coptic Orthodox Church and we inhale from you the holy scents coming from Palestine,” said His Holiness. He highlighted the biblical significance of both Egypt and Palestine, noting that Egypt is mentioned around 700 times in the Holy Bible, and emphasized the historical bond between the two lands, especially in the context of Jesus Christ’s early life.

Addressing the current situation in Palestine, His Holiness expressed his deep concern for the ongoing suffering in Gaza and the West Bank. He lamented the darkness in the hearts of those perpetuating violence but found hope in the recent international recognition of a Palestinian state by the United Nations and some European countries. Pope Tawadros II praised the efforts of Palestinian leaders, including President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Dr. Muhammad Mustafa, in their commitment to peace and stability.

The Palestinian Minister of Tourism, Mr. Hani Al-Hayek, expressed his gratitude for the support of the Coptic Church and the Egyptian government, especially in times of suffering for the Palestinian people. He highlighted the continuous efforts to promote religious tourism to Palestine despite current challenges, believing that it will significantly support the Palestinian economy and cause once conditions improve.

Dr. Farseen Shaheen emphasized the urgent need to end the occupation and preserve the Christian presence in the Middle East, particularly in Palestine. She pointed out the significant role of approximately 300 Palestinian Christian institutions in supporting the Palestinian community economically and socially.

Ambassador Diab Al-Louh conveyed greetings from President Mahmoud Abbas, Prime Minister Dr. Muhammad Mustafa, and the Palestinian people. He praised Pope Tawadros II’s unwavering support for Palestinians and highlighted the exemplary coexistence between Muslims and Christians in Egypt as a model for Palestinian society. The ambassador noted the indiscriminate attacks on Palestinian sanctities, including the destruction of churches and the significant loss of life and injury among both Muslims and Christians.

The meeting concluded with the Palestinian delegation presenting Pope Tawadros II with a stone piece from the Church of the Nativity and high-quality Christian icons crafted by Palestinian artisans. In return, His Holiness gifted them an icon of the Holy Family and other souvenirs.

The meeting was attended by several high-ranking church officials, including His Eminence Bishop Antonius, Metropolitan of the Holy See of Jerusalem and the Near East, Archbishop Sergius Sergius, Deputy General of the Patriarchate in Cairo, and Archbishop Musa Ibrahim, spokesman for the Coptic Orthodox Church, among others.

Source: Coptic Orthodox Church

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