Pope Tawadros II Received Archbishop Aram Atashian of Turkey

Gerges Mounir Hanna – OCP News Service – 13/10/2022
Cairo -Egypt: His Holiness Pope Tawadros II on 12 October 2022 received His Eminence Archbishop Aram Atashian, the Armenian Orthodox Archbishop of Turkey at the Papal Headquarters in Cairo.
His Holiness welcomed the Archbishop, wishing him a joyful visit to Egypt.
His Holiness spoke about the close relations between the two sister churches, the Coptic Church and the Armenian Orthodox Church, and the loving relationship that unites His Holiness and His Holiness Patriarch Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, the supreme head of the Armenian Apostolic Church.
His Holiness was also reassured about His Eminence’s service in Turkey and the conditions of the Armenian Church there.
His Eminence was accompanied during the visit by Archbishop Ashod Mnatsakanian, Armenian Orthodox Archbishop in Egypt and Africa, and Dr. George Nubar, member of the Board of Directors of the Armenian Patriarchate in Egypt.
OCP News Service