Poll: Political and material interests causing split in Ukrainian Orthodoxy, citizens of central and southeastern Ukraine say

14/3/2012 Kyiv, March 13 (Interfax-Ukraine) – About two third of the population of central and southern Ukraine think the split in Ukrainian Orthodoxy is an intra-church issue and should be resolved without interference from the outside, according to the findings of the sociological poll conducted by the Research & Branding Group and announced by its founder Yevhen Kopatko.

14/3/2012 Kyiv, March 13 (Interfax-Ukraine) – About two third of the population of central and southern Ukraine think the split in Ukrainian Orthodoxy is an intra-church issue and should be resolved without interference from the outside, according to the findings of the sociological poll conducted by the Research & Branding Group and announced by its founder Yevhen Kopatko.

Continued here:
Poll: Political and material interests causing split in Ukrainian Orthodoxy, citizens of central and southeastern Ukraine say

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