Patriarch Theophilos and Archbishop Ieronymos Call for Peace in the Holy Land

Patriarch Theophilos and Archbishop Ieronymos Call for Peace in the Holy Land

OCP News Service – 19/06/2024

Athens- Greece: In a powerful message of unity, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilos III, and Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece, joined voices today in an urgent appeal for peace in the war-torn region.

During their meeting at the Holy Archdiocese of Athens on June 18,2024, both leaders emphasized the devastating impact of the conflict on civilians, particularly children and the elderly. Archbishop Ieronymos expressed his deep concern for those caught in the crossfire and called for an immediate end to the hostilities.

Patriarch Theophilos offered his gratitude for the support of the Church of Greece and detailed the ongoing struggles faced by the Christian community in the Middle East. He highlighted the vital role played by monasteries like St. Porphyrios in Gaza, which continues to offer crucial aid to the faithful amidst the chaos.

Both leaders stressed the importance of dialogue and urged all parties involved to return to the negotiating table. Patriarch Theophilos, while acknowledging the challenges, expressed his hope for a peaceful resolution.


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