Patriarch Kirill Welcomes Released Ukrainian Metropolitan Jonathan

Patriarch Kirill Welcomes Released Ukrainian Metropolitan Jonathan

DECR – OCP News Service – 26/06/2024

Moscow – Russia: His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus’ received Metropolitan Jonathan of Tulchin and Bratslav at the Danilov Monastery in Moscow on June 25,2024.

Metropolitan Jonathan was recently released from prison in Ukraine after being sentenced to five years on what the Moscow Patriarchate calls “absurd charges.” These charges included attempts to overthrow the Ukrainian government and violate the country’s territorial integrity. The Metropolitan has consistently maintained his innocence.

The Patriarch expressed his joy at Metropolitan Jonathan’s release, acknowledging the “significant sorrows” he endured for his loyalty to the Russian Orthodox Church. Patriarch Kirill emphasized his personal commitment to securing the Metropolitan’s release, describing him as a man “completely immersed in church life” and a talented choir director.

His Holiness awarded Metropolitan Jonathan the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh (1st degree) in recognition of his service and perseverance. He also presented the Metropolitan with a commemorative cross and panagia. Metropolitan Jonathan expressed his gratitude to the Patriarch for his efforts and stated that “not to disgrace your name was my task.” This unwavering commitment to his faith and the Church is what gave him strength “to resist evil.”

The Patriarchate views Metropolitan Jonathan’s case as part of a larger pattern of persecution against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Previous statements from Patriarch Kirill condemned the charges as “absolutely insignificant” and the verdict as “another act of flagrant violation of religious freedom.” The meeting also included discussions regarding Metropolitan Jonathan’s need for medical treatment and rehabilitation, which will be provided with the Patriarch’s assistance.

The release of Metropolitan Jonathan is a significant development in the ongoing tensions between the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Ukrainian government. While details remain unclear, this event offers a glimmer of hope for a potential easing of these tensions.


OCP News Service and DECR

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