Over 800 Children Added to the Godchildren of Catholicos-Patriarch His Holiness Ilia Through 68th Universal Baptism

OCP News Service – 25/10/2023
Tbilisi -Georgia: More than 800 children were added as Godchildren of the Catholicos-Patriarch His Holiness Ilia through the 68th universal baptism at Holy Trinity Cathedral on 22 October 2023. By this massive universal baptism number of Godchildren of the Catholicos-Patriarch HH Ilia became more than 47,000, reported the patriarchate.
The Patriarch has been guiding the Church for more than 40 years and is the most trusted man in the entire nation. In an effort to improve Georgia’s dire post-Soviet demographic situation, the Church began holding mass Baptisms in January 2008, with the beloved primate personally becoming Godfather to the third and subsequent children of spouses who were married in the Church.
67th Universal Baptism – More than 1300 Children Added to the Godchildren of the Catholicos-Patriarch His Holiness Ilia
OCP News Service