Metropolitan Onufry of Ukraine Appeal to Vladimir Putin to Stop War

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OCP News Service – 25/2/2022
Kiev-Ukraine: Metropolitan Onufry, the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) has appealed the Russian President Putin to stop war on Ukraine.
The Metropolitan in his address stated that “the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has always consistently defended the integrity and sovereignty of our state. And today we ask you, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, to stop the war. The Ukrainian and the Russian people came out of the same Kyiv Dnieper font. And the greatest shame for us is that we are at war with each other. The war between such nations is called Cain’s murder because it repeats the first sin of murder that occurred on earth when Adam’s son Cain killed his younger brother Abel.
Patriarch Daniel Urges to End the War in Ukraine
I urge everyone to be prudent. God created us by intelligent creations, created us by the great gift of the word. And with this mind and word we must solve all the problems that arise between us on earth. I call on everyone to stop the war and to sit down at the negotiating table and solve the problems that divide us today in a civilized, divine way with the help of reason and words.
May the Lord protect our soldiers! Today we express special love and support to our soldiers who protect our integrity and protect our land, our Ukrainian people. May the Lord protect you all! I believe and hope that common sense will prevail, and this tragedy we are experiencing today will soon be stopped, and we will once again enjoy in peace the gift of life that the Lord has given to everyone, not to kill each other, but to that we love each other”.
OCP News Service