Metropolitan Daniel of Tokyo and All Japan Enters Eternal Rest
OCP News Service – 11/08/2023
Tokyo-Japan: Metropolitan Daniel of Tokyo and All Japan – primate of the Japanese Autonomous Orthodox Church entered eternal rest on August 10, 2023, at the age of 85. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv, and Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate made their condolences on the demise of Metropolitan Daniel.
Metropolitan Daniel of Tokyo and All Japan: Brief Bio
He was born on September 5, 1938 in Toyohashi (Aichi Prefecture, Japan). In 1962 he graduated from the Faculty of French Literature of the University of Aichi. In 1965 he graduated from the Tokyo Theological Seminary, in 1968 – St. Vladimir’s Theological Seminary in New York (USA), where he received a master’s degree in theology.
In November 1969, at the Tokyo Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, he was ordained a deacon, in January 1972 – a presbyter, after which he was appointed rector of the church, ap. Matthew in Toyohashi.
On August 20, 1999, at the Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra, he was tonsured a monk with the name Daniel – in honor of the holy noble prince Daniel of Moscow. On September 6, in the Patriarchal Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II was elevated to the rank of hegumen.
By decision of the Holy Synod of October 6, 1999, he was elected Bishop of Kyoto of the Japanese Autonomous Orthodox Church.
On November 11, in the Trinity Cathedral of the Danilov Stauropegial Monastery in Moscow, Archbishop Kliment of Kaluga and Borovsk was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.
He was named a bishop on November 13 in the Church of All Saints Who Resplendent in the Land of Russia, the Patriarchal residence in the Danilov Monastery in Moscow. Hirotonisan on November 14 at the Divine Liturgy at the Epiphany Cathedral in Moscow. The services were led by the ever-memorable Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus’ Alexy II.
Since May 14, 2000 – Metropolitan of Tokyo and all Japan, Primate of the Japanese Autonomous Orthodox Church.
OCP News Service