Metropolitan Anthony of DECR Welcomes New Serbian Orthodox Church Representative to the Moscow Patriarchal Throne

Metropolitan Anthony of DECR Welcomes New Serbian Orthodox Church Representative to the Moscow Patriarchal Throne

DECR – OCP News Service – 23/06/2024

Moscow – Russia: The Department for External Church Relations (DECR) of the Moscow Patriarchate hosted a meeting today to welcome Bishop Stefan of Remesia, the newly appointed representative of the Serbian Orthodox Church to the Moscow Patriarchal Throne.

Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the DECR, presided over the meeting. He extended a warm welcome to Bishop Stefan and offered his best wishes for success in his new role.

The meeting served as an opportunity to strengthen ties between the Russian and Serbian Orthodox Churches. Bishop Stefan presented Metropolitan Anthony with the decree of His Holiness Patriarch Porfiry of Serbia confirming his appointment.

The discussions covered a wide range of topics, including current relations between the two Churches, opportunities for future collaboration, and matters of mutual interest.

The meeting concluded with an exchange of gifts, solidifying the official welcome of Bishop Stefan. Bishop Stefan was appointment due to the death of his predecessor Bishop Antonije of Moravia


OCP News Service and DECR

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