Dr. John G. Panagiotou, New Chairman for OCP

John G. Panagiotou
OCP News Service – 23/12/2022
OCP – Global: Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE General Body selected Dr. John G. Panagiotou as the New Chairman on 12th December 2022.
Dr. Panagiotou has been associating with OCP as the head of Greek Affairs & Eastern Orthodox Theology at Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE since 2019. His interest in the world of Pan-Orthodoxy and contributions to OCP made the executive committee to appoint him as the Chairman.
John G. Panagiotou is a Greek Orthodox Christian theologian and scholar who holds dual professorships at Erskine Theological Seminary and Cummins Memorial Theological Seminary. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Wheeling Jesuit University, a master’s degree from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, and a doctorate from Erskine Theological Seminary. Dr Panagiotou specialized in Early Church History, Patristics, and Greek New Testament theology. He authored several books including ‘The Path to Oikonomia with Jesus Christ as Our Lighthouse’ which was published recently.
OCP Chairman is the Chief volunteer to achieve the organization’s mission and provides leadership to the executive council (governing board), which sets policy and to whom the directors are accountable.
OCP News Service