Inadequate Decision At The European Court Of Human Rights – Sacerdotal Vocation Assimilated To The Trade Union Action

3/2/2012 The Press Office of the Romanian Patriarchate informs us: The Romanian Patriarchate learned with great surprise of the decision in the first analysis of the panel of judges of section III of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the case of the self entitled “The Good Shepherd against Romania” trade union of the priests of the Metropolitanate of Oltenia concerning the clergy’s right to free associations in trade union type organisations. Having thoroughly studied this decision, the Romanian Patriarchate notices the following: 1.

3/2/2012 The Press Office of the Romanian Patriarchate informs us: The Romanian Patriarchate learned with great surprise of the decision in the first analysis of the panel of judges of section III of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the case of the self entitled “The Good Shepherd against Romania” trade union of the priests of the Metropolitanate of Oltenia concerning the clergy’s right to free associations in trade union type organisations. Having thoroughly studied this decision, the Romanian Patriarchate notices the following: 1.

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Inadequate Decision At The European Court Of Human Rights – Sacerdotal Vocation Assimilated To The Trade Union Action

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