Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America Urges Immediate Cessation of Hostilities in Israel and Palestine, Calls for Dialogue and Prayer

The Holy Synod of Bishops – Orthodox Church in America
OCP News Service – 13/11/2023
Chicago – USA: In response to the escalating conflict in Israel and Palestine, the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America issues a heartfelt statement addressed to the clergy, monastics, faithful, and people of goodwill worldwide.
Emphasizing the sanctity of every human life, the Holy Synod expresses deep sorrow for the increasing toll of violence in the region. In the wake of widespread destruction and human suffering, the Synod pleads with relevant authorities for an urgent halt to hostilities and appeals for meaningful dialogue between the conflicting parties.
The Holy Synod calls upon the clergy, monastics, and faithful of the Orthodox Church in America to actively seek peace in the face of adversity, approaching the Prince of Peace with fervent prayers. The statement underscores the significance of this plea during the upcoming season of the Nativity Fast, urging a dedicated and diligent pursuit of peace for the well-being of all lives and the entire world.
OCP News Service