Ethiopian Orthodox Patriarchate Denounces Atrocities as Killings of Orthodox Christians Continue in Arsi
ESG – OCP News Service – 05/12/2023
Addis Ababa- Ethiopia:
According to the patriarchate of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and the reports of Mahibere Kidusan Broadcasting Service, church media based in Addis Ababa, five Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo faithful were brutally killed, and the homes of three set ablaze on the early morning of Monday, December 4, 2023, in Hela Tejo Sero locality of Shirka District of Arsi Zone in Oromia Regional State in Ethiopia. The deceased include a 21-year-old youth and a 70-year-old mother.
In its statement, the patriarchate expressed grief, denounced the attacks, and called for law enforcement bodies to protect the people and stop similar attacks from occurring again.
39 Orthodox Faithful Slaughtered in Arsi, Oromia, Ethiopia
Mahibere Kidusan Broadcasting Service
Tewahedo Media Center (TMC)