Catholicos of All Armenians Calls for Support for Artsakh During Meeting with Iraqi Diplomat

Catholicos of All Armenians Calls for Support for Artsakh During Meeting with Iraqi Diplomat

OCP News Service and – 02/08/2024

Yerevan-Armenia: On July 26, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received Dr. Ali Abdulkareem Utavi, the newly appointed charge d’affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in RA.

The meeting was also attended by the Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Iraq, His Grace Bishop Oshakan Gyulgyulyan and the chairman of the central department of the diocese, Mr. Karapet Galustyan.

His Holiness conveyed his kind wishes to the Chargé d’Affaires and wished him an effective service in his mission, emphasizing the established cooperation between the two states and the historically formed friendly relations between the people.

Speaking about the Armenian community in Iraq, His Holiness expressed his appreciation to the Iraqi authorities for the caring attitude shown towards the community and the diocese.

During the conversation, the Armenian Patriarch also touched on the challenges facing the Armenian people, as well as the protection of the just rights of Artsakh Armenians, the release of hostages of Artsakh’s military-political leadership and prisoners of war, and the preservation of Artsakh’s spiritual and cultural heritage. In this regard, His Holiness expressed hope that thanks to the mediation and consistent efforts of the international community, it will be possible to establish peace and stability in the region.

In turn, Dr. Ali Abdulkareem Utavi assured His Holiness that he will make every effort to strengthen the cooperation of the two countries. And also referred to the efforts made by the authorities in Iraq aimed at the harmonious coexistence of national and religious minorities and the protection of their rights.

OCP News Services

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