Catholicos Karekin II Received Newly Appointed Ambassador of Iran to Armenia

OCP News Service – 14/08/2023
Yerevan-Armenia: H.H. Karekin the Second Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians received the newly Appointed Ambassador of Iran to Armenia, Mehdi Sobhani at Holy Etchmiadzin on August 07, 2023.
According to the official statement:
His Eminence welcomed the ambassador, congratulating him on his appointment and wishing him fruitful service.
The Catholicos of All Armenians, emphasizing that the mission of the newly appointed ambassador coincided with a difficult period for the Armenian people, expressed his appreciation to the Islamic Republic of Iran for the support shown to Armenia in this difficult period of war and post-war.
At the meeting, His Holiness also referred to the centuries-old Armenian-Iranian relations and the current cooperation between the two countries.
Expressing his satisfaction for the attention shown by the Iranian authorities to the Iranian-Armenian community, the Catholicos of All Armenians at the same time highly appreciated the caring attitude towards Armenian cultural values and sanctities.
During the conversation, His Holiness referred to the attempts to appropriate and destroy the Armenian spiritual and cultural heritage in the territories under the control of Azerbaijan, as well as the criminal actions against religious and cultural values, directed by the authorities. In this regard, the Armenian Patriarch condemned the recent incident of burning the Koran.
On his part, Ambassador Mehdi Sobhani, speaking about his upcoming activities, also emphasized the importance of inter-religious dialogue in the development of friendly relations between the two peoples. Touching upon the regional situation, Sobhani emphasized the need for peaceful settlement of conflicts.
The interlocutors also referred to the mutual relations between the Mother See and the Islamic Republic of Iran, emphasizing cooperation in the field of culture, religious dialogue, and the organization of inter-religious conferences.
OCP News Services