Albanian Orthodox Church Denounces Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage

Albanian Orthodox Church Denounces Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage

OCP News Service – 23/12/2023

Tirana – Albania: The Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania has issued a strong statement against the recent legal establishment of same-sex marriage in the country, calling it a violation of natural law and religious tradition. Same-sex marriage was legalized in Albania in January 2024.

 The Church emphasizes the historical and religious understanding of marriage as a union between two sexes for procreation, rooted in divine creation and upheld by various cultures and legal systems throughout history. The statement argues that same-sex relationships are “unnatural” and contradict the natural order established by God, regardless of legal decrees. The Church asserts its responsibility to articulate its understanding of marriage and family, according to its sacred texts and centuries-old traditions, as reaffirmed by the Holy and Great Synod of Crete in 2016. The statement views the legalization of same-sex marriage not as social progress but as a harmful deviation from the natural order.

The Church’s declaration reflects a widespread critique of same-sex marriage within traditional Christian communities. It is likely to resonate with conservative Albanian citizens and potentially fuel further debate on the issue. However, it may also be seen as outdated by others who support LGBTQ+ rights and advocate for legal recognition of same-sex unions.

This statement offers a glimpse into the ongoing struggle between religious doctrines and evolving social norms regarding marriage and family. It is a reminder of the complex religious and cultural issues surrounding the legalization of same-sex marriage around the world.

The Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania is the sole autocephalous (self-governing) Eastern Orthodox Church in Albania. The Holy and Great Synod of Crete (2016) reaffirmed traditional Orthodox teachings on marriage and family, rejecting same-sex unions.

OCP News Service

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