Local Orthodox Leaders Shower Praise on Ukrainian Metropolitan Onuphry for 10th Anniversary


OCP News Service – 17/08/2024

Kyiv – Ukraine: His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine received an outpouring of congratulations from fellow Orthodox leaders around the world on the 10th anniversary of his enthronement.

Patriarch John X of Antioch and all the East offered solidarity with Metropolitan Onufriy and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, acknowledging the persecutions and sufferings they have faced. He assured the Primate of the Antiochian Church’s prayers for peace and strength in Ukraine.

Serbian Patriarch Porfirije hailed Metropolitan Onuphry’s tireless service during a time of “great sufferings and hardships” for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. He commended the Metropolitan’s experience and offered prayers for peace in Ukraine and continued good health for the Primate.

Patriarch Daniel of Bulgaria praised Metropolitan Onufriy’s leadership during a challenging period for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. He highlighted the Metropolitan’s humility, love for monasticism, and commitment to maintaining the Church’s unity and canonicity. Patriarch Daniel also expressed prayers for peace in Ukraine.

Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II congratulated the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Church and Metropolitan Onuphry’s personally. He expressed his hope that the Metropolitan would continue to carry the burdens placed upon him with dignity and that God would grant peace to Ukraine.

Metropolitan Ioannikiy of Montenegro and Primorye lauded Metropolitan Onuphry’s humility and unwavering faith, comparing his leadership to Christ carrying his cross. He expressed hope for an end to the Ukrainian Church’s struggles and for the well-being of its flock.

Archbishop Michael of Prague and the Czech Lands praised Metropolitan Onuphry’s consistent leadership and unwavering faith, calling him a source of inspiration. He offered wishes for continued strength and wisdom in the Primate’s service.

These messages highlight the strong international support for Metropolitan Onufriy and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as they navigate a challenging period.


OCP News Service

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