Romanian Patriarch Meets German Ambassador, Discusses Diaspora and Social Role of Church

Romanian Patriarch Meets German Ambassador, Discusses Diaspora and Social Role of Church

Basilica News – OCP News Service – 30/05/2024

Bucharest-Romania: On May 30,2024, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of Romania received His Excellency Dr. Peer Gebauer, the German Ambassador to Romania, at the Patriarchal Residence.

Patriarch Daniel extended a warm welcome to Ambassador Gebauer, acknowledging his extensive diplomatic experience. He expressed gratitude for Germany’s support for Romania and highlighted the vibrancy of the Romanian diaspora in Germany, particularly the large number of Romanian students and medical professionals contributing to German institutions.

Ambassador Gebauer reciprocated his appreciation for the meeting and emphasized the significant role the Romanian Orthodox Church plays in Romanian society, as well as in Germany through the numerous Romanian Orthodox parishes established after 1989.

The Patriarch recounted the various challenges faced by Romanian society and the Church following the fall of the communist regime. He also discussed the opportunities that emerged, allowing the Church to rediscover and strengthen its social ministry.

In this context, Patriarch Daniel highlighted the Church’s efforts to promote responsible freedom within Romanian society, guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ. He also mentioned the development of new pastoral care initiatives and mission activities, particularly through the Basilica Press Center of the Romanian Patriarchate.

The Patriarch concluded the meeting by wishing Ambassador Gebauer continued success in his diplomatic mission in Bucharest.

Source: Basilica News

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