62 Coptic Christian Families Forcibly Evicted by Salafi Muslims

Coptic Christians demonstrating against persecution By Asia News 10/2/2012 Salafi Muslims in the area of el-Amerya, with the complicity of the police and state authorities, set fire to Christian homes and shops, and forced several families to leave the country under the threat of further violence. On 30 January a crowd of Muslims attacked the village of Kobry- el-Sharbat for the second time, setting fire to three Christian homes. CAIRO, Egypt (AsiaNews / Agencies) – The radical Muslims are trying to forcibly empty a village near Alexandria of its Coptic Christian population – 62 families, on the basis of unfounded allegations against a Copt

Coptic Christians demonstrating against persecution By Asia News 10/2/2012 Salafi Muslims in the area of el-Amerya, with the complicity of the police and state authorities, set fire to Christian homes and shops, and forced several families to leave the country under the threat of further violence. On 30 January a crowd of Muslims attacked the village of Kobry- el-Sharbat for the second time, setting fire to three Christian homes. CAIRO, Egypt (AsiaNews / Agencies) – The radical Muslims are trying to forcibly empty a village near Alexandria of its Coptic Christian population – 62 families, on the basis of unfounded allegations against a Copt

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62 Coptic Christian Families Forcibly Evicted by Salafi Muslims

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