13 Christian Homes and Multiple Businesses Destroyed by Extremist Muslims in Silte Zone of Ethiopia
ESG – OCP News Service– 06/09/2023
Addis-Ababa-Ethiopia: After a campaign involving name-smearing against Orthodox Christians for months by extremist Muslims in Kebet Town of Silte Zone and the unresponsiveness of the local and regional governments to calls for protection by the Christian community, which is a minority in the area, attacks against the Orthodox took place on September 4, 2023.
Consequently, more than ten faithful were seriously injured, homes were set alight, and stores were looted and destroyed. Many fled the locality while some hid in fear for their lives amidst coming threats to burn down churches in the town. The perpetrators have previously scorched the Church of St. Arsema (Hripsime) of Kebet. Silte Zone has been one of the epicenters of targeted attacks against Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia in the past five years, where multiple churches were destroyed and believers persecuted.
His Grace Abune Melchizedek the Archbishop of Gurage Diocese visited and consoled more than 500 displaced Christians from Kebet Town who have taken shelter in the Church of Debre Tsion St. Mary in Butajira Town.
– Addis Maleda
– Tewahedo Media Center