Ukrainian Orthodox Church Warns of History Repeating as Law Targets Church

Metropolitan Clement of Nizhyn and Pryluky

Information and Education Department of UOC – OCP News Service – 21/08/2024

Kyiv – Ukraine: In response to the Ukrainian Parliament’s passage of draft law No. 8371, Metropolitan Clement of Nizhyn and Pryluky, Head of the Information and Education Department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), issued a strong statement condemning the legislation.

Speaking to BBC News Ukraine, Metropolitan Clement pointed out the UOC’s past experience of surviving under legislative bans during the Soviet era. He emphasized that such measures failed to destroy the Church then, and will not succeed now.

The UOC representative further argued that the law contradicts the Ukrainian Constitution and the country’s international commitments. He accused proponents of the law of deliberately provoking a scandal and violating Ukraine’s decommunization laws.

“The adoption of Law No. 8371 brings back memories of the atheistic ideology and methods of the Soviet era,” Metropolitan Clement declared. He drew parallels between the current situation and Soviet attempts to suppress religion, including property confiscation and persecution of believers.

The Metropolitan warned against dividing Ukrainian citizens based on religious affiliation. “Those who didn’t understand Jesus Christ crucified him solely on political accusations,” he stated, implying that the current legislation is politically motivated.

The UOC has been critical of the law since its inception.

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OCP News Service

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