Shashemene Becomes a Slaughterhouse for Christians Again after Two and a Half Years

Courtesy: EOTC TV and TMC
Warning: Graphic Content
ESG – Tewahedo Media Center- OCP News Service – 04/02/2023
Addis Ababa-Ethiopia: A police shooting killed two Orthodox youths and injured four in Shashemene on February 04, 2023, who were defending their Church. The incident came after the warning that was given to the government by the Archbishop of West Arsi, His Grace Abune Yosef. Archbishop warned the government not to support schismatics and said that the government would be responsible for any conflict that may arise.
It is a documented reality that government forces sat idly or supported aggressors while Churches burned and Christians were put to the sword by ultranationalists and fanatics two and a half years ago in Shashemene and Oromia at large. History seems to be repeating itself.
Tewahedo Media Center & OCP News Service