Russian and Coptic Churches Deepen Cooperation with Delegation Visit

DECR and OCP News Service – 25/08/2024

Moscow- Russia: On August 23, at the invitation of His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and with the blessing of His Holiness Tawadros II, Patriarch of the

Coptic Church, a delegation of monastics, clergy, and laity from Egypt arrived in Russia on a pilgrimage. The trip is taking place in the context of the development of dialogue between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Coptic Church within the framework of the activities of the relevant Bilateral Commission and is part of the program of mutual visits of representatives of Russian and Egyptian monasticism that has been implemented over the past eight years.

The delegation from the Coptic side included His Grace Bishop Paula, Metropolitan of Tanta and its dependencies for the Coptic Orthodox and head of the delegation; His Grace Bishop Ekladius, Bishop and Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Pachomius the Great (El-Shaib) in Luxor; Monk Father Yacoubos Anba Bishoy, Spiritual Supervisor of the Students of the Anba Roys Seminary in Cairo; Monk Father Pachomius Anba Bishoy, in charge of the Papal Headquarters at the Monastery of Saint Pishoy (Paisios the Great) in Wadi El Natrun; Father Flobatir Nabeeh, Secretary of His Holiness the Pope for Diaspora Affairs; Father Kyrollos, Priest of the Church of the Virgin Mary and Pope Athanasius the Apostolic in Nasr City; Dr. Sinout Delwar Shenouda, Dean of the Institute of Church History; Mrs. Hoda Sobhi, Mrs. Amal Ibrahim, and Mr. Hani Soliman.

At Domodedovo Airport, the guests were met by the Vicar of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Administrator of the North-Eastern Vicariate of the Moscow City Diocese, Metropolitan Arseny of Zvenigorod; the rector of the Ascension David Hermitage, Hegumen Sergius (Kuksov); the representative of the Coptic Church in Russia, Hieromonk Daoud el-Anthony; Acting Head of the Secretariat of the North-Eastern Vicariate of the Moscow City Diocese, Priest Sergius Bychkov; Advisor to the Coptic Patriarch A. Milad; DECR employees Deacon Alexander Cherepenin and D.E. Arakelyan.

On the same day, representatives of the Coptic Church visited the Holy Ascension Davidov Hermitage. Hegumen Sergiy (Kuksov) spoke about the history and current state of the monastery, the social and humanitarian work carried out there, and answered the delegation’s questions about the organization of the spiritual life of the brethren. The guests laid flowers at the monument to “Special Forces Soldiers – Soldiers of Russia” located next to the monastery. In memory of their visit to the Ascension Davidov Hermitage, Hegumen Sergiy presented the guests with memorable gifts.

As part of the visit, the guests will visit the shrines of the Kaluga and Smolensk lands, churches and monasteries of Moscow and the Moscow region.


OCP News Service

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