Romanian Orthodox Church to Aid Artsakh Armenians Through Joint Initiative with Armenian Orthodox Church

Romanian Orthodox Church to Aid Artsakh Armenians Through Joint Initiative with Armenian Orthodox Church

OCP News Service and – 25/07/2024

Yerevan-Armenia: On July 23,2024, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received Rev. Ciprian Ion Ioniță, Responsible for the social department of the Romanian Orthodox Church and Rev. George Alexandru Lepadatu, responsible for the financial department, accompanied by His Grace Bishop Tatev Hakobyan.

Introducing the guests to the Catholicos of All Armenians, Bishop Tatev informed that the representatives of the Romanian Church arrived in Armenia to get acquainted with the challenges facing the Artsakh Armenians, their social situation and, as a result of assessing their needs, develop support programs that will be implemented jointly with the Romanian Church.

The Patriarch of All Armenians, welcoming the guests, conveyed his paternal love and gratitude to Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church and expressed his appreciation to the Romanian authorities for their support to Armenia and Artsakh Armenians. His Holiness noted that this initiative is another evidence of the centuries-old friendship formed between the Armenian and Romanian peoples and Churches.

In this regard, the Armenian Patriarch noted with satisfaction that the Romanian-Armenian community plays an important role in the basis of the close relations between the two countries, which actively participates in the development process of Romania’s life.

In his turn, Rev. Ciprian, conveying the greetings of Patriarch Daniel of the Roman Orthodox Church to His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, emphasized that in cooperation with the Social Department of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, efforts will be made to improve the social status of the depatriated Artsakh Armenians and overcome existing problems.

OCP News Services

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