Pope Tawadros II Receives Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Qais Sadek in Cairo

Gerges Mounir Hanna – OCP News Service – 24/08/2024

Cairo – Egypt: His Holiness Pope Tawadros II received on August 23,2024, at the papal headquarters in Cairo, His Grace Metropolitan Qais Sadek, Bishop of Erzurum, Patriarchal Vicar of Antioch for the Greek Orthodox, and Head of the Center for Ecumenical Studies in Amman.

Accompanied by His Holiness the Senior Priest Youssef Darous, Pastor of the Greek Orthodox Church of the Archangels in Al-Zahir District – Cairo

His Holiness the Pope welcomed his guest, expressing his wishes for a successful visit to Egypt, and asked him about His Beatitude Patriarch John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East for the Greek Orthodox, asking him to convey his greetings and love to His Beatitude.

It is worth noting that the new bishop is a Jordanian citizen and is also an academic theological professor who served the church in Jordan, Lebanon and Romania and currently directs the Center for Ecumenical Studies in Amman. He was elected as an auxiliary bishop to the Patriarch of Antioch with the title of “Bishop of Erzurum” and was ordained on November 23, 2024 at the Patriarchal Monastery of Our Lady of Balamand in Lebanon. The meeting was attended by George Saleh, Honorary Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches and Coordinator of Relations with the Eastern Orthodox Churches, and Deacon Joseph Reda, a deacon of His Holiness the Pope.


OCP News Service

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