Patriarch Daniel Calls for Solidarity After Romanian Floods

Basilica News – OCP News Service – 17/09/2024

Bucharest-Romania: In the aftermath of the severe floods that have ravaged parts of Romania, including the counties of Galați, Argeș, and Vaslui, the Romanian Orthodox Church has issued a heartfelt call for solidarity. His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel urged Christians to unite in support of those affected, particularly the socially vulnerable and grieving families.

In a statement, the Patriarch encouraged clergy and believers to offer both spiritual and material assistance, including financial donations and non-perishable food items. He also expressed his deep condolences to families who have lost loved ones in the floods, offering prayers for the deceased and comfort for the bereaved.

The Romanian Orthodox Church is joining national and local authorities in ongoing efforts to help those suffering from the disaster’s consequences.

Source: Basilica News

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