Pan-Orthodox Unity is the Need of the Hour: OCP Secretary

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OCP News Service – 16/07/2024

United Kingdom: OCP Secretary Donn George Varghese said: Pan-Orthodox Unity is the need of the hour, and all Orthodox Churches should stand together to build it up as the first priority rather than ecumenicism. This message came during a special online lecture titled ‘EnChristo’ conducted by the Diocese of UK, Europe & Africa of the Indian (Malankara) Orthodox Church on June 16th, 2024.

The lecture began with a blessing message by Metropolitan Abraham Stephanos, of the UK, Europe, and Africa Diocese, in which he explained the relevance of organizations like Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE in the Orthodox World. The lecture delved into the future of Pan-Orthodoxy, the Christian persecutions worldwide, with a special session dedicated to the work and detailed study of the Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE Society, followed by an interactive discussion session.

The lecture was attended by many faithfuls of the diocese. Fr. Stanley David James (the host) concluded the event by conveying words of thanks and best wishes for the ongoing efforts of Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE.


OCP News Service

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