Orthodox Parish Council Member and His Wife Slain in Oromia, Ethiopia

Burnt House – Credit: Mahibere Kidusan
ESG – OCP News Service – 17/10/2024
Addis Ababa- Ethiopia: Mr. Negash Lema, a diligent parish council member of Koshore Saint Gabriel Church in the district of Robe in Arsi zone of Oromia Regional State, who had served his church for more than twenty five years, was killed with his wife by gunmen identified as OLA (Oromia Liberation Army) fighters by witnesses on the night of Saturday, October 12, 2024 at Jena Baruko locality. The gunmen set fire to Mr. Negash’s wife together with livestock in their home.
Targeted killings of Orthodox parishioners, pilgrims, and clergy has been ongoing and the death toll has reached close to 50 in this zone (Arsi) alone in less than ten months. The victims of Saturday’s barbarity were parents to nine children.
-Mahebere Kidusan Broadcast Service
-Addis Ababa Diocese Media
-Zemedkun Bekele