Orthodox Church of Moldova Condemns Attempts to Ban Its Activities

His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and All Moldova - Moldovan Orthodox Church

His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and All Moldova – Moldovan Orthodox Church

OCP News Service – 09/09/2024

Chişinău – Moldova: The Orthodox Church of Moldova has strongly condemned recent statements made by a Moldovan lawmaker suggesting the possibility of banning the Metropolitanate of Moldova. In a statement issued on Septemebr 06,2024, the Church denounced these attempts as a violation of religious freedom and a threat to the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Moldovan people.

The Orthodox Church of Moldova emphasized that the proposed ban would directly affect the religious rights of countless Orthodox believers, who would be denied access to their places of worship. The Church highlighted the legal framework in place, which protects religious freedom and prohibits acts of religious intolerance.

The Orthodox Church of Moldova also drew attention to a previous European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decision that condemned the Moldovan state for similar actions. The Church argued that any attempt to outlaw the Metropolitanate of Moldova would be in direct violation of this ECHR ruling and would be declared unconstitutional by the Moldovan Constitutional Court.

The Church further emphasized its autonomy from the state and its role in promoting national values and identity. It highlighted its contributions to the spiritual, cultural, and social life of the Moldovan people, including its efforts to aid refugees from Ukraine.

The Orthodox Church of Moldova called upon the state authorities to cease their harassment and intimidation of the Church and its clergy. It warned of potential consequences if these persecutions continue, threatening to mobilize the Moldovan people in support of the Church.

The Church urged all parties involved in public life to promote dialogue, understanding, and tolerance, avoiding any actions that could incite hatred or division.


OCP News Service

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