Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhia Responds to Epiphaniy’s Appeal, Rejects Compromise on Church Unity

Metropolitan Luka of Zaporizhia and Melitopol

OCP News Service – 17/08/2024

Kyiv – Ukraine: Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhia and Melitopol has issued a firm response to the recent appeal by Epiphany for dialogue and unification with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). In an open letter addressed to His Beatitude Onufriy, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine, Metropolitan Luke expressed deep skepticism about the intentions behind Epiphany’s call for unity, asserting that they are driven by worldly interests rather than a genuine desire for spiritual and canonical unity.

In his letter, Metropolitan Luke emphasized that true unity within the Orthodox Church cannot be artificially constructed around national or political preferences but must be centered on Christ and grounded in the canonical traditions of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. He cautioned that the grace of the priesthood and the recognition of apostolic succession cannot be conferred through administrative decisions but must be based on canonical legitimacy. Without this foundation, he warned, the sacraments of the Church would be thrown into chaos.

“The architects and founders of the current schisms act not for the sake of Church unity, but in spite of it, ignoring not only the opinions of the multi-million flock but also the canons,” Metropolitan Luke wrote, criticizing the establishment of new church formations that, in his view, manipulate Orthodox believers through propaganda and fear.

He also highlighted the inaccuracies in Epiphaniy’s letter, particularly the misrepresentation of the late Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan) of Kyiv’s stance on church unity. Luke stressed that Metropolitan Vladimir consistently advocated for unity on solid canonical grounds and never endorsed unity at the expense of canonical integrity.

Metropolitan Luke further recalled a meeting in Tbilisi with Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, where the Ecumenical Patriarch publicly denied any intention to recognize those he had previously labeled as schismatics or to prepare a “tomos” for the OCU. Luke criticized what he saw as a discrepancy between the Patriarch’s words and actions, which he deemed incompatible with Gospel ethics and morality.

In his letter, Luke also rejected the ongoing accusations and pressures faced by the UOC from political figures, asserting that such claims are baseless and lack common sense. He affirmed that the UOC’s conscience remains clear before God and the Ukrainian people, and that no amount of persecution or threats would shake the Church’s faith or its confidence in its righteousness.

However, Luke cautioned that any compromise with the OCU, driven by worldly interests, would only make the UOC more vulnerable and could lead to the loss of support from other Local Churches, who have fearlessly defended the UOC on the international stage.

Concluding his letter, Metropolitan Luke stated that while he does not reject the possibility of unification, it can only be achieved if those who have deviated from the truth return to the Church’s bosom. “Achieving the unity of the Church of God can only be accomplished under the condition of the return of those who have strayed from the Truth and have taken the path of untruth,” he wrote.


OCP News Service

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