Ecumenical Patriarch Calls for Spiritual and Moral Renewal to Address Climate Challenges

OCP News Service – 28/08/2024

Constantinople – Turkey: In a powerful message on September 1, the Feast of the Indiction, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople urged the world to take immediate action to address the escalating climate crisis. The Patriarch emphasized the need for a “radical change of mentality” and a profound reevaluation of humanity’s relationship with nature.

“The environmental threat is a dimension of the extended crisis in contemporary civilization,” the Patriarch stated in his message. He called for a “Copernican turn” in our approach to the environment, urging us to move away from the destructive practices that have led to the current crisis.

The Patriarch highlighted the role of religious communities in promoting a spiritual and moral transformation. He argued that genuine religious faith can help to counter the arrogance and titanism of humanity, fostering a sense of responsibility towards both our fellow humans and the natural world.

The Patriarch also emphasized the disproportionate impact of climate change on the world’s poorest populations. He called for greater attention to social justice and environmental welfare, noting that “serving our neighbor and preserving the natural environment are intimately and inseparably connected.”

In conclusion, the Patriarch urged all to work together to protect humanity and creation. He invoked the intercession of the Virgin Mary and prayed for the life-giving grace and boundless mercy of the Creator of all.

full statement

OCP News Service

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